Saturday, December 21, 2013


My painting was rough, hasty with dark colors, just smudges here and there and I couldn't relate to it. So I threw my brush away, tore the painting, howled, then fell down on my kneels. Furthermore, I dipped my face into my two hands, ready to cry out of frustration. He smiled, anytime his lips reached to his cheekbones , my body would just disperse.His eyes were unfair, large almond shaped eyes,too blue, too overwhelming for any female to resist. He was lean, with a flexed ,well defined and athletic body. He was deadly handsome..
   I watched him as he walked across the room, bringing a new painting, then lifted me upright on my two feet. Thereafter, he picked the brush up from the floor, dipped it into the pallet, took my hand and started drawing. He then looked at me and said : " your hands have to be firm to picture what you feel " I turned stared at him for a second, sighed, then smiled at him and said : " Together everything is possible". Then we laughed and continued drawing and soon we were done.
 Afterwards, he asked me if i wanted a drink, I nodded, he poured me a glass of red wine and we sat on the floor. We looked at what we had created, looked at each other and started laughing again.
While chatting, he told me about his dreams,even though he made them look simple. Yet, from his description you could understand his excitement, and dedication towards them.
 Within minutes we started flirting, we talked about sex to an awe-inspiring level,establishing the things we had in common. He stands up,to refill our glasses of wine and he returns staring at me with a penetrating look, that makes me shiver. "You fascinate me, doll" he says and I stay aghast. He continues, saying "Your so cocky, and I like that in a girl ", "what am I?" I ask shamelessly. "Gorgeous, with your crazy,curly brunette hair,beautiful face,cracking figure, and full round tits" he said in a fast and cocky manner. And as he altered each word he came more closer, till I could feel his lips close to mine. I could feel my heart beating faster and faster.. He then looked at my eyes and said "and these eyes, which are now looking at me astonished, are undoubtedly the most attractive eyes I have ever see" and the next thing I felt was his lips on mine.
 We fell on the floor and kept kissing. His kisses were neat,deep and focused,my hands were exploring his body,he began to brush my skin,touching me,caresses my body and we made love all night..
  The next morning,the sunlight was so bright, I couldn't open my eyes fully. I heard the birds singing, it was like they knew, what was inside my heart and they were rejoicing with me. Everything suddenly felt right,it was it suppose to be.Nothing could come in between us now.I turned and I looked at him,remembering what happened last night and smiled. He was sleeping soundly like a baby, he was so beautiful. His face looked at peace, his lips were red like cherry,so kissable.. Then I realized, I was inlove.. I hadn't felt like this in a long time and it felt strange but sensational at the same time, I could hear my heart beating so fast, I could die. The feeling was so intense and i couldn't describe it..

    Finally I  laid down again and hugged him,so tightly I thought he would wake up. But he turned, hugged me and sighed. Before I understood it,I fell back asleep..

Friday, December 13, 2013

On a Rainy Tuesday

  It was a rainy Tuesday morning and evening at the same time, the sky was gray just like the equilibrium between white and black. The sky seemed calm and further, happy, lightnings kept falling one after the other and while this was going on, the rate of the rainfall was more intense. It was as if music was playing somewhere high, like there was a party and the rain were the dancers ..
    Trees and plants received the rain on their leaves and upon them devoutly, they could share the joy of rain and the sky itself. Even the sea was exhilarating and gave away even more water throughout the earth. The animals living in nature could feel what was happening around them and each of them showed his joy, in his own way. On the contrary the animals living in the city couldn't quite understand what was going on, some were frightened and hid wherever they found. People looked from a corner this ongoing show but could not understand .. To some this was all irrelevant and you could hear two or three curses here and there, others liked the rain but never let her touch them and simply loiter under a roof.  
        And then again, they were those who hated the rain and whenever it rained, it was their worst day they would curse the rain again and again, they didn't wanted her at all. But oddly enough, they could feel the rain, they knew every time it rained ,how the sky, the clouds and the rain itself felt.. If she was happy, sad, if she rained upon the people to meet their needs.
             They hated her but yet they knew her  ... But did they perhaps loved her; secretly; Nobody ever found out...

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Μια Βροχερή Τρίτη


Ήτανε μια βροχερή τρίτη πρωί, αλλά και βράδυ μαζί, γιατί ο ουρανός ήταν γκριζος ακριβώς όπως η ισσοροπία μεταξύ του άσπρου και του μάυρου. Ο ουρανός φαινόταν ήρεμος, μάλλον ήταν χαρούμενος, οι αστραπές πέφταν η μια μετά την άλλη και όσο γινόταν αυτό, ο ρυθμός της βροχής γινοταν πιο έντονος. Σαν να έπαιζε μουσική κάπου ψηλά, σαν να γινότανε ένα πάρτυ και η βροχή ήταν ο χορός..
 Τα δέντρα και τα φυτά προσλάμβαναν την βροχή στα φύλλα τους, επάνω τους, μπορούσαν να μοιραστούν την χαρά της βροχής και του ουρανού του ίδιου. Ακόμα και η θάλασσα ήταν χαρούμενη και χάριζε ακόμα περισσότερο νερό σε όλη την γή.Τα ζώα όσα ζούσαν στη φύση μπορούσαν να αισθανθούν τι γίνοταν γύρω τους, και το καθένα έδειχνε την χαρά του, με το δικό του τρόπο. Όσα ζούσαν στην πόλη δεν πολυκαταλαβαίνανε τι γινόταν, μερικά ήταν φοβισμένα και κρυβόντουσαν όπου έβρισκαν. Οι άνθρωποι όλοι κοιτούσαν από μια γωνιά αυτό το θέαμα αλλά δεν μπορούσαν να καταλάβουν.. Σε μερικούς όλο αυτό ήταν αδιάφορο και άκουγες δύο τρείς κατάρες από δώ κι από κεί, σε άλλους άρεσε η βροχή άλλα ποτέ δεν την άφηναν να τους ακουμπά και απλά την χάζευαν κάτω από μια στέγη.
Ήτανε και αυτοί όμως που την μισούσαν όποτε έβρεχε ήταν η χειρότερη τους μέρα, καταράσσοταν την βροχή ξανά και ξανά, δεν την ήθελαν καθόλου. Μα παραδόξως ήτανε αυτοί που μπορούσαν να νιώσουν την βροχή, ήξεραν κάθε φορά που έβρεχε πως ένιωθε ο ουρανός, τα σύννεφα και η ίδια η βροχή.
Άν ήταν χαρούμενη, λυπημένη, ή άμα έβρεχε απλα για να ικανοποιήσει τις ανάγκες των ανθρώπων.
             Την μισούσαν μέν αλλά την ήξεραν δέν... Μήπως όμως την αγαπούσαν τελικά? κρυφά? Κανείς δεν έμαθε ποτε...